Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Look at NJ

So, I am officially in New Jersey. I can't say I am really impressed at the moment! It was a long flight with two little kids by myself, but they really did do pretty well. The frustrating stuff came after we got off the plane. The people we had asked to pick us up ended up not having room for all of us in their little tiny car, so we ended up having to rent a car in the middle of Labor Day weekend. The agent at the car rental place was very nice and super helpful. I was really thankful for all of her help. The first thing that happened when we crossed the NJ border was get passed by someone who was flipping us off. What hospitality!! Especially when I hadn't done anything but drive the speed limit. I didn't even cut them off! We also were rudely honked at by someone passing us. Really people!! We ended up taking the back way to the base and needless to say, it has been quite the long day!


Syme Family

I'm so glad you made. Sorry about the car that sucks. I better things will be better once you are all settled in. We are going to miss you.


welcome to NJ! thats honestly what I remember from living there! people honking, cutting you off, and giving you the finger.....the east coast is almost like a different world! but good luck as you get adjusted and I'm glad you got there safe!