Twice a year, Broadway hosts a program called Kids Night on Broadway. It allows kids to attend a Broadway show for free with their parents. I have wanted to see Newsies on Broadway for a year and thought, since M's birthday is in a couple of days, that she would love to see Newsies too. I had a couple of friends who wanted to see a Broadway show with their daughters also, so we had a girl's night in NYC. It was such a fun and memorable trip in more ways than one. We all ended up seeing different shows last night but thought it would be great to ride the train up to NYC and back. We got our girls from school and hurried to catch the train. We made the train with a couple of minutes to spare. Once in NYC, we decided to grab a slice of pizza and then walk up Broadway to our different shows. Times Square is so bright at night, it almost feels like day! It was great to see all the lights in Times Square though.
We had great seats for Newsies and M was so excited. I was grinning from ear to ear the whole show. It was AMAZING! M loved that they were doing flips, back handsprings, and other gymnastic moves. After the show, we all decided to meet at Junior's for cheesecake. It had started raining and was getting late and we decided we needed to catch an 11 o'clock train or we would really be getting home late! We were right in between 2 subway stations, so we would have had to walk about 5 blocks in either direction in the rain. We decided to catch a cab. I can now say I have not only ridden in a cab, but I hailed two cabs in about 5 minutes! We pretty much had to run to catch the train on time, but luck was on our side. We caught the train with minutes to spare. Trains at night stop at every station along the way, so it takes about 90 minutes for us to get home. We finally got to our stop, but we were not fast enough getting off the train! We got stuck on the train! At this time, it was about 12:30. It is a good thing that our stop is the second to last one. We rode the train to the end of the line and had to wait for another train to take us back. I think the train conductors felt sorry for our little girls who were so tired but such good troopers because they were so nice and sweet and made sure we made it to the right track to get back to our station. While we were waiting in Trenton to take our train back to Hamilton, we met a very nice man who worked for NJ Transit. He announced over the speaker, "the girls on the train, this is where you need to get off." Needless to say, we had a couple of NJ Transit workers making sure we got off the train! We got home super late, but it was all worth it. M had a great time and thought it was a great birthday present. Thanks, Nana! I don't know if how either of us is going to wait until the next Kids Night on Broadway! We already have a show we want to see.