I can't believe it is already Jan 4, 2011. Time sure did fly. We all went to Utah for Christmas and had so much fun. M and T had tons of fun playing with their cousins. Three of the 4 grandchildren are within 4 months in age. It was interesting to have 3 little ones running around getting into everything. Thankfully, the house was still standing when everyone left. For Brett and I, there were many late nights full of name calling and "Pounce" yelling. We played games the whole time we were home with my brothers and their wives. Our game of choice was Pounce! Unfortunately, we can get pretty competitive. It was so much fun to be home and spend time with my family. Time went by way to fast. After I got home, I realized that I had hardly taken any pictures at all. I guess we were all having too much fun to remember the cameras!! As much fun as Christmas was, I think we were all ready to head back to Jersey and to our own beds. M started school again on Monday and was so excited to see her friends again. I have been busy with my new church calling. Right before I left on vacation, I was called to be the 1st counselor in the Primary presidency. With a new year starting, we have been having a lot of things to do. My week started with a list that has just kept getting longer.
With the new year, I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. I have decided that instead of having a ton of goals, I wanted to find a word that would describe how I would like this year to be. My word is "Healthy". I want to be "Healthy" physically, mentally, and religiously. So far, I am doing fairly well except with the physical part. I just can't seem to get to the gym, but I am going to keep trying until I can make it an important part of my life.
Oh, so I did just think of a couple of pictures to post. Here you all go:

We had a few sick people over Christmas and some uncooperative kids, but what a good lookin' bunch!!